The Working Group for Islamic Philosophy of Law
The Working Group “Islamic Philosophy of Law” (IPL) aims to promote the interdisciplinary study of Islamic philosophy of law. In doing so, it will elaborate how the traditional Islamic sciences that engage with questions related to the philosophy of law could be brought together and form a new discipline called “Islamic philosophy of law”. Thus far, philosophy of law as a discipline has not occupied a prominent place in the traditional Islamic order of knowledge. Subjects relevant to it are discussed mainly in legal theory (uṣūl al-fiqh), in addition to disciplines such as systematic theology (kalām), philosophy (falsafa), exegesis (tafsīr), and Hadith commentary. This working group will bring the different discourses relevant to philosophy of law in the Islamic tradition into conversation with the broader scope of academic disciplines at Humboldt University such as the faculties of law, philosophy, and theology.
Questions pertinent to the Islamic philosophy of law have direct implications for scholarly as well as societal developments. For instance, question of the “Islamicity” of actions under contemporary circumstances is one of the research topics directly linked to broader societal questions in Germany and Europe. The Group’s research projects and conferences will influence the ongoing debates concerning the contemporary normativity of the Muslim traditions with regard to their theological legitimation. Furthermore, the activities envisioned for the Group will contribute to the development of Islamic Theology in Germany and to the formation of a comprehensible “theological language” under secular circumstances.
The leading questions of the Working Group are focused around a number of salient themes:
The Working Group is going to organize international conferences, periodical workshops and reading groups in order to work on the above-mentioned research areas.
The inaugural conference, “Departure for the Construction of Islamic Philosophy of Law: Obstacles, Challenges and Solutions”, will be held in May 27-28 2022. Conference Programme
A books series on Islamic Philosophy of Law will provide a platform for pioneering publications in this research field. A weblog will inform the wider interested audience about the research results.